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Practices at Aanav

Our purpose is to do now what patients need next. How we identify and meet those needs − what we do every day − must be sustainable if we are to succeed. It is why sustainability is built into our business strategy and part of everyone’s job at Aanav.

Our approach is holistic and integrates the three dimensions of sustainability.​



How we contribute to a better tomorrow for all



How we minimise our impact on nature



How we invest in medical advances, create jobs and ensure livelihoods

Mother and Daughter at Pharmacy

Sustainable Healthcare and Impact

At Aanav, our ambition lies not only in transforming healthcare, but also in our contributions to environmental protection, supply chain sustainability, social commitment and philanthropy.



We contribute to a better society by enabling the right treatment for the right patient at the right time for the right value. We do this by developing new medicines and ways of diagnosing disease and insights from data.

Family Playing with Ball


Respect for a healthy planet and the environment has always been a priority of our founding families and the company. We are committed to halving the environmental impact of our operations and products.

Modern Office


Our business must meet the needs of patients and continue creating quality jobs that provide people and their families with secure livelihoods, while earning competitive returns for our investors.



Transparency and accountability are essential to maintain trust and fulfil our purpose. We measure our sustainability performance against our time-bound goals, reporting publicly to promote transparency and improve our business everywhere we operate.



Our governance structure enables us to advance our sustainability agenda, ensuring close alignment with our business strategy while maintaining a close level of engagement with our external stakeholders.

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